What Is Blockchain and What Does It Do?

What Is Blockchain and What Does It Do?

By David Roe | Jun 11, 2018 Blockchain has earned the dubious honor of being both one of the biggest buzzwords in the tech industry and one of the most widely misunderstood. While it is rightly associated with cryptocurrencies, its application in many other areas of...
15 Effective Ways To Remain An Agile Leader

15 Effective Ways To Remain An Agile Leader

Being an effective leader takes tact and initiative. You need to see the vision of your company and lead your entire team to the finish line with ease. No matter the obstacles that come your way, you need to find a way to overcome them without fear. You must be agile...


TEXT:CHRISTOPH PAPENFUSS, OSISOFT EUROPE 19.02.2018 Schon über 400 Unternehmen bieten eigene Plattformen für das Internet of Things an; sie befinden sich in Goldgräberstimmung. Dummerweise ist die IoT-Plattform aber nur ein Wunschdenken, wie Christoph Papenfuss,...